Sunday, January 26, 2025


Global News

Dollar edges higher but set for weekly loss; Fed’s Williams in spotlight

The U.S. dollar edged higher in early European trade Friday, but remained on course for its steepest weekly decline since July after the Federal...


What Is Inflation? Definition, Formula, Causes

INVesting Inflation is an ever-present part of modern economic life. But its effects often are modest and relatively unnoticed, especially over short periods of time. When...


Exclusive-Fed’s Bostic sees two rate cuts, soft landing next year

(Reuters) - The U.S. central bank can begin reducing interest rates "sometime in the third quarter" of 2024 if inflation falls as expected, Atlanta Federal...

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Exclusive-Fed’s Bostic sees two rate cuts, soft landing next year

(Reuters) - The U.S. central bank can begin reducing interest rates "sometime in the third quarter" of 2024 if inflation falls as expected, Atlanta Federal...

Dollar edges higher but set for weekly loss; Fed’s Williams in spotlight

The U.S. dollar edged higher in early European trade Friday, but remained on course for its steepest weekly decline since July after the Federal...

Oil prices stabilise after slump on underwhelming OPEC+ cuts

(Reuters) -Oil prices were stable on Friday following a 2% drop the prior day, as the market kept a wary eye on the latest...

Gold prices at 3-mth high on Middle East tensions mixed Fed cues

Gold prices rose to a three-month high on Friday amid persistent safe haven demand on concerns over the Israel-Hamas war, while somewhat mixed signals...

Top 5 things to watch in markets in the week ahead

Geopolitical tensions remain to the fore, while earnings and U.S. retail sales data will give an insight into the health of the consumer. Federal...

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